
Recognition of prior learning and experience (RPL)

Recognition of prior learning and experience (RPL)

The aims of RPL

Under French law (article 137 de la loi n°2002-72 du 17 janvier 2002 de la modernisation sociale) the recognition of prior learning and experience (RPL) is considered a form of continuing professional development.  

 It is used to validate a state-recognised qualification on the basis of your past professional experience. This form of validation can be of particular benefit to students who want to change careers to become an interior architect or a freelance interior designer or decorator. 


  •   Gives you a competitive edge and improved employability 
  •   Acknowledges your level of skill 
  •   Recognises your skills with a formal qualification 
  •   Secures your career path 


This coaching is provided throughout every stage of the process: from studying the feasibility of your project, through to your presentation to the jury panel. It takes the form of individual, personalised meetings with qualified, experienced professionals. These professionals are specialised in coaching RPL applicants at all levels of higher education and will therefore optimise your chances of successfully obtaining your qualification. 


The qualifications obtained under the RPL scheme are registered with France Compétence


Who can benefit from RPL?

RPL is open to anyone (regardless of their age, nationality, status and level of qualification) who can provide evidence of having experience which proves they have the skills required for the target qualification. This prior experience does not have to been undertaken continuously.  


More precisely, in order to be eligible to submit an RPL application, regardless of your current level of qualification, you need to: 


Have been in paid employment (permanent, fixed-term or temporary contract), self-employed, a volunteer or an elite athlete (as per article L. 221-2 of French sports law); 

Or have held a position of responsibility in a trade union organisation (i.e. trade union representative) or held office as an elected official at local level. 



These activities must have a direct link with the content of the target qualification (diploma, certificate or vocational qualification). 

The steps in the RPL process

  •  Step 1 - Information and advice on the RPL project 
  • Step 2 - Eligibility 
  • Step 3 - Putting together the RPL submission 
  • Step 4 - Jury  

Qualifications accessible via RPL

  • Certified title level 7 (EU) “Interior Architect” delivered by the AIPF-ESAIL and registered under the RNCP. Code NSF 233n. School recognised by the CFAI (French Council of Interior Architects) 
  • Certified title level 5 (EU) “Interior Designer”, Code/s NSF 230n, vocational certification level 5 (Eu), registered with the RNC via the decree dated 07/07/2017 published on 19/07/2017. 

Methods and resources deployed

The methods used involve face-to-face or remote interviews with an experienced RPL coach with the aim of: 


  •   Familiarising the applicant with the guidelines and required standards for the RPL submission  
  •   Exploring the applicant’s career 
  •   Analysing their prior experience - both professional and personal - and comparing this the assessment rubric  and expected skills  
  •   Formalising the submission, proofreading and analysing the content 

Assessment procedures

The assessment takes place throughout the coaching process and at the jury stage using assessment rubrics drawn up in relation to the expected skills. 


Application procedure and deadlines


  •   One month to obtain a response to submission 1 (feasibility) 
  •   A 6 - 18 months to present your RPL submission 


Cost and duration

We offer two RPL packages: 

  •   Feasibility study - free of charge  
  •  Package 1: 20 hours of support for €3,400 ex. VAT (coaching, preparation of submission, jury) 

 This coaching is optional but strongly recommended. 

  •   Package 2 without coaching: €500 ex. VAT (jury fees) 

How to finance an RPL?

There are several mechanisms for financing your RPL: 


  •   Your personal training account (CPF) 
  • See 
  •   Your employer  
  • NB: An RPL submission can also be funded under the FNE scheme by eligible companies - find out more at  
  •   Pôle Emploi 
  •   Transitions Pro 

 Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about financing your RPL! 

In 2023, ESAIL supported two people submitting RPL applications to obtain an Interior Architect qualification. 


 Delphine Dubroqua – Training Manager 

+33 (0)6 07 26 68 46 

For more information: 
France Compétences website 
Official portal for recognition of prior learning