Study at ESAIL

Student services

Student services

The services made available to students at ESAIL are intended to help them settle in and enjoy their student life throughout their studies. 

Amongst other things, ESAIL’s extra-curricular support services help students find accommodation, set themselves up for the start of the academic year, take advantage of cultural and/or leisure activities at reduced prices, and help with their everyday purchases.  

Some of these services are available to students before they start their studies and all are available to students throughout the duration of their studies. 

Tailor-made services for a unique student experience  

Over the years, our school has developed numerous partnerships to improve the lives of our students and learners, beyond the scope of their studies: Accommodation, finance, mobility, studying abroad, continuing in education, all of these everyday subjects which are so important to students are managed by our teams to provide the best possible service. Every day we develop new and enhanced partnerships with companies. Consult this section periodically throughout your studies to get the latest information and discover new offers. 

Careers advice

Afraid of making the “wrong” career choice?  

Interested in joining a higher education establishment that continues to provide career advice throughout your studies?   

Our careers advice department provides guidance for YOU based on SELF-KNOWLEDGE!   

We are there to support you at various stages of your journey!  

Prior to enrolment, if you have any doubts and need to better understand your motivation or the different options available to you…  

During your studies, after graduation or when considering a change of direction, the department can arrange for support from professional careers advisors. This service is available to applicants and students.  

Depending on your year of study and your experience, we can also call on recruitment specialists such as our partner the APEC, to help improve your knowledge of new sectors and professions and which are recruiting.   

Your contact will provide guidance on getting the best out of these services.   

Find out more 


We have a range of partners who can help you find accommodation and explore options you might not have initially thought about.    

Service Adèle across the whole of France, Action Logement, Les Belles Années etc.   

Your campus contact will be able to refer you to the most appropriate service according to your need and status.   


It is possible that you might need some form of financing to start or continue your studies. Thanks to our partnership agreements with a number of different banks (both national and local) you can obtain preferential conditions which will allow you to complete your cycle of studies in one of our schools. 

The advantages : 

Preferential rates, free international credit card… Your school or training centre is already referenced as a service partner with the bank, all you have to do is pay them a visit.  

Our banking partners are also regularly invited to our schools/training centres to meet with students and speak to them about the solutions available to them.  


Le Crédit Lyonnais :  

  Preferential rate for your bank card 

  A €500 interest-free authorised overdraft limit 

  Home insurance at €5/month 

  A 2.02% interest rate on student loans  

To take advantage of these offers, click here 


Action logement :  

Action Logement offers a range of services to help you finance house moves required for study or work purposes.  

To take advantage of these offers, click here 


Facing a move to a new region or abroad to continue your studies or work-study course?   

Once again, we have a number of agreements with a range of partners to facilitate your move!   

Helping you to take your driving test*, organising a removals company to help you move*, providing accommodation services*, helping prepare a move abroad…   

Whatever situation you find yourself in over the course of your studies there are number of solutions available which you can access thanks to our various agreements.   

Your campus contact will be able to refer you to the most appropriate service according to your need and status.

Supplementary training modules

Throughout your studies, the schools and training centres in the Compétences et Développement network propose a range of supplementary training modules to improve and enhance your skills with modules leading to the awarding of a certificate or diploma.  

These dual diplomas or supplementary certificates are available on all our campuses, online or face-to-face.   

  • Interested in learning or perfecting a second or third language?  
  • Starting out with coding and web development?  
  • Preparing a business plan for a start-up?  
  • Producing a marketing plan?  
  • Learning about crisis communication or taking a closer look at CSR communication?   


The 14 schools which make up the network offer a wide variety of specialist modules in their respective areas of expertise.  

Find out more at: